Brooks Bombers

Bombers bats explode early in huge win over Giants

The Brooks Bombers took game #2 of the series against Fort McMurray by a score of 25-11. North Vancouvers Evan Hoegler would be on the mound to start and the Giants would send lefty John Sheilds.

The Giants got off to a quick start curtosey of a two run homerun from Peyton MacDowall. The Bombers were trailing for the first time in the two game mini series. Their Bats bailed them out in the bottom half though. Errors, past balls and homerun lead to a 13 spot for Brooks. Will Bomersbach would re announce himself into the lienup with a three run homerun followed on the next pitch with a Zander Bretza solo shot. The Bombers would bat around the lineup twice in the first inning chasing Sheilds before he even recorded an out. Maxx Davidson would come on to relace him and would get into a bases loaded situation facing Antony Gilbert who hit a grand slam to bust it wide open.

The Giants would stay consistant and put up smaller run totals in further innings including another homerun from MacDowall which landed in the backyard of a house on 2nd ave. The Giants biggest inning was the beginning of the fourth after four straight hits and two runs across Evan Hoegler would be pulled and Jordan Otjen came into the game.

Zander Bretza would contuiue to swing the hot bat as he had his Second homerun of the night with a two run bomb. He would follow it up the next inning with a solo shot for the hattrick. Ned Ceklic who came in as a defensive replacement for Jacob Gillis hit his first homerun of the year much to the excitment of the team.

“We know what he can do and it was really cool to finally see that happen tonight”, said Head coach Dan Morgan.

The Bomber Bats would be capped off with a Jouseph Gelpi three run homerun that extended his hitting streak to nine games. Jordan Otjen would cruise for six innings and finnish the game out giving up three runs on nine hits and striking out nine hitters.

The Bombers have now won three of their last four games and there is a feeling amongst the players that they are turning a corner.

“The energy has been awesome lately, it feel like from first pitch to the end of the game every guy is up and cheering”, said Will Bomersbach.

“Even though our park is smaller I still think that all our big hits tonight were off good approaches and hard hit balls”, said Morgan.

Its easy in a shorter field to try and have a homerun swing approach but Morgan feel like no matter the situation the players are trusting the proscess and contuniuing to have good at bats. Bomersbach also added that the team feels relaxed at the plate and are just trying to put the barrel on the ball and not wanting to do too much out there.

One highlight was newcomer De’Andre Gains who arrived later on and eventually came into the game in left field. Gains didnt take batting practice and got a small warmup in before coming into the game. He went 1-3 with a double that was almost stretched into a tripple.

“I saw a guy tonight that can be an electric addition to our lineup”, said Morgan.

The Bombers are halfway throught this homestand and will play the first of two games against Swift Current starting tomorrow night at 7:05. Tomorow will also be the special Olympics celebration as well as 90’s night festivities.